Silvermoon australian shepherds
Silvermoon Aussies is a small hobby kennel exclusively run by Kathy Sianko and her neice Kelli Manthey (Kupfer). We are located about 20 minutes north of the twin cities in a town called Hugo. Kathy has a 6.6 acre hobby farm where she has dogs, cats, sheep, ducks, geese, and chickens. We have competed in ASCA, AKC, CKC, UKC, and IKC and completed numerous titles on dogs in conformation, obedience, herding, agility, and tracking. Kathy is also an ASCA Obedience and Tracking Judge. Kelli grew up involved with dogs and started her career at the young age of 7 competing in Obedience and Junior Handling. The majority of our dogs are conformation champions, with obedience AND herding titles. We breed primarily for ourselves and very minimally, the last litter born at Kathy's house was over 11 years ago and she didn't even whelp the litter! However, Kathy and Marie Murphy bred Jewel 6+ years ago and we did keep a puppy, Justin. Kathy and Kelli are active members in ASCA Affiliate Clubs Outback and Upper Midwest, and also serve as board members in the Outback ASC.
Kathy Sianko

Kathy was into horses and her life took a turn when she got a dog for company to hang around the barn. Jayhawk Silvermoon, UDT, STDds “Danny” needed obedience school as a puppy and after placing in graduation Kathy and Danny were hooked. Kathy has been training and showing dogs since and has put many obedience, tracking, and stock titles on her dogs. Kathy is also an ASCA obedience and tracking judge and part-time trainer at Total Recall School for dogs in Hugo. Kathy has also mentored many kids in junior handling, who have achieved great accomplishments. Professionally, Kathy has worked at Region's Hospital for over 35 years.
Kelli Manthey

Growing up, Kelli was always around Kathy's dogs and Kathy waited until she was old enough (7) to start her "Dog Show Career". She started training Kathy's dog Beamer in Obedience unitl she got her own Sheltie Reilly (Diamond Aire All Riled Up AKC CD ASCA CDX STDds RS-O JS-O). Kelli also started showing Heather in Junior Handling and the rest is history. Kelli is a Licensed Cosmetologist and currently works in the Salon Industry. She was also recently married to her husband Craig. Some of her accomplishments include:
ASCA 500 Club: 2006,2007,2008
Best Junior Handler at the Heart of Texas ASC National Pre-Show-2006
Best Junior Handler at the Heart of Texas ASC National Pre-Show-2003
Best Junior Handler at the Blue Ridge ASC National Pre-Show-2007
Reserve Junior Handler at the 2007 Nationals
High Working Junior at the Outback National Pre-Show 2006
Countless Best Junior/Reserve Junior Handling Wins
20+ Conformation Championships
5+ Companion Dog Titles
1 Companion Dog Excellent TItle
11 Started Herding Titles
3 Open Herding Titles
Kelli also co-bred WTCh Ch Diamond Aire Midnite Smoke CD RAX AFTDs OFTDd DNA-VP and WTCH CH Diamond Aire Light Up the Stage DNA-VP with Marie Murphy
ASCA 500 Club: 2006,2007,2008
Best Junior Handler at the Heart of Texas ASC National Pre-Show-2006
Best Junior Handler at the Heart of Texas ASC National Pre-Show-2003
Best Junior Handler at the Blue Ridge ASC National Pre-Show-2007
Reserve Junior Handler at the 2007 Nationals
High Working Junior at the Outback National Pre-Show 2006
Countless Best Junior/Reserve Junior Handling Wins
20+ Conformation Championships
5+ Companion Dog Titles
1 Companion Dog Excellent TItle
11 Started Herding Titles
3 Open Herding Titles
Kelli also co-bred WTCh Ch Diamond Aire Midnite Smoke CD RAX AFTDs OFTDd DNA-VP and WTCH CH Diamond Aire Light Up the Stage DNA-VP with Marie Murphy